Sunday, November 1, 2009

Swine Who??

Swine Flu is on everyone's mind these days....

Everywhere I go people are talking about...... and today while walking around Wrentham Village Outlets, I overheard a woman say that she didn't want to go into the food court because people had their mouths open and didn't want to catch Swine Flu......Are you freaking serious??? Then why are you out of your house??? Comments like these drive me insane! If you think because you are walking at fast pace...the "Swine Flu" won't be able to "get you"....than that's just are in a public place!!! Sorry- had to vent- sometimes people should just keep their mouths shut- they don't realize what an ass they make themselves look like with the things they say!

Next- Vaccine.....To get it or not to get it?? That is the Question! And what is the CORRECT answer......... There is no right or wrong answer for everyone. It should be a personal decision. I am not for or against the vaccine. However- I have chosen to not get the vaccine. Landon has received the regular flu vaccine and I feel protected for him. Some people fail to realize that this flu is still acting like the regular flu.....most people who have been sick have recovered without needing medical treatment.

I have chosen to not get the vaccine for many reasons..... 1st: I am a firm believer that all the necessary precautions did not go into making this vaccine and not enough research was done as it was such a short amount of time before they started to bring it to the market 2nd: most times I doubt what doctors think is best ( as I am the ONLY one who can say what is best for my child and I have had many encounters with doctors who are 100% wrong ) 3rd: I wash my child's hands, don't take my child out when he sick, ask others to leave when they are sick etc....

For those who think their decision to get or not to get the vaccine is better than others- than shame on you. How dare you judge someone based on their own beliefs. This is a personal decision and you have to stick to what you believe, make the decision and be done with it. No back handed comments to me will make me change my mind about getting the vaccine. If you don't like it- then Screw You and go pick on someone else- cause this Bitch isn't listening to it!

To those who still need to make this very personal decision- feel free to visit the CDC website for a complete guide to the Swine Flu.



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